Friday, January 2, 2009

Disorder Letter

Hi best friend,

College is going great for me. My binders are perfectly organized, and all of the files on my laptop are sorted into very specific folders. There are no stray files or files without detailed names. I recently bought some file cabinets so that I can keep my old papers organized. My half of the dorm is very neat. I even sorted my clothes so that I have one set of clothes for each day of the week. My roommate's half of the room on the other hand is a mess. All of his papers and clothes are lying around, and his bed sheets are always wrinkled. He even has food lying around everywhere. It annoys me a lot.



  1. i love how you're such a neat freak :)
    with the way you described your college life, i'm guessing that you maybe have obsessive compulsive disorder? Obviously, you're very determined to keep things neat and organized, and when things are not, it bothers you.

    good blog :)

  2. i'm pretty sure you have ocd from your descriptions. i like the way you everything into files haha good job!

  3. OCD for sure! Your descriptions are very clear. GOod Job!

  4. wow im such a mess too lolz

    nice post,interesting and right on the topic

  5. Haha, OCD! You did a good job making it crystal clear...almost too good of a job! ;) just messing with ya Zach! good letter!

  6. OCD. don't be such a neat freak. live a little! haha.

  7. You are OCD. Haha but I'm pretty sure you're not this way in real life. I certainly am not.
